Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

It's 2009 right? Anyway, pretty New Year's here which isn't a change from any other night of the year. I played No More Heroes on my Wii which is turning out to be kinda fun. It's pretty cartoony and over the top mixed with bloody violence. It's set in the city of Santa Destroy and you play Travis Touchdown, the No. 11 ranked assassin and you set out to move up the ranks to No. 1.

You can drive around town, but it's pretty useless because you can't interact with other people or vehicles. You can't even beat stuff up. Well you can hit dumpsters to find money or t-shirts in them. The people walking around town don't even say anything at all unless you run them over with your motorbike, then they just scream. In between ranked boss fights you have to earn money which you can do by collecting coconuts, mowing lawns or do something a little more shady like assassinations jobs. After you defeat a ranked assassin it'll unlock more jobs, I'm waiting for the job where you catch kittens.

The fights are pretty cool. Your weapon is a beam katana which is basically a flouresecent light tube that can decapitate and slice guys in half sending a shower of blood and coins from their wounds. The henchmen are pretty easy so far, but the bosses are a lot tougher and apparently, then get way tougher too. I'm right at the 8th ranked assassin fight, so hopefully I can pass it. She's supposed to be really fast.

So after that me and Cody played Halo 3, then I went to bed early because I had to this morning (January 1st) at 8am. For some reason the store actually opened at 7am and there were people there shopping! Get a life you losers! The store wasn't that busy, but I was the only one working, so I had a lot to do. It was nice to go home.

The other day I bought Resident Evil: Degeneration, the new all original CGI movie. I guess it's set after RE4 and stars Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield and ends with a hint of RE5. It was okay, better than the RE: Extinction. I think they could made it more gory or at least shown a few sweet zombie head pops. I bought the "gift pack" from Wal-Mart which also came with a sexy t-shirt. The regular DVD only version didn't even have prices on them, but the DVD+shirt did and it wasn't too bad, so I picked it up. I was expecting the shirt to be a XL because they always are, but for once it was a L. Kinda sucks because after I washed it, it still shrunk a bit, but it still barely fits. I have a feeling it will get smaller with subsequent washings.


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