Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh yeah! Oh no!!

This morning I went to go down into town and discovered I had locked my keys in the car. My dad brought Dan up who works at his shop to break into my car and after a few minutes all was good. Once I made it into town getting around was a pain because there were like four different places where they had the road torn up and there was a big accident on the strip that was slowing up traffic.

I went to the mall, the Tamarack, not the Cranbrook Mall and found out that they now have a Dollarama! That's pretty cool and since there isn't anything else in there I checked it out. I bought a couple Oh Henry chocolate milkshake drinks and an EMI new wave compilation CD. Now whenever I come home I'll really have something to look forward to.

Some bad news is that the CD Plus is history! That really sucks for people who buy music because for a little store in a little town they did have a decent selection of music and movies. I could always find stuff there I wanted and bought stuff I've never seen in a store in Calgary. Damn the economy, it all the US' fault! Now the people of Cranbrook (and area) have no choice but to get their music from Wal-Mart. I guess it will encourgage people to illegally download their music if there is place to buy it. Willie should open his own record store now, it is his dream some true. He might have to stock country music and easy listening so as to not alienate any customers though.

At Christmas me and Cam also checked out this video game store that was kinda in the Tamarack Mall which is also now closed. That wasn't a big shock because it was pretty much just a EB Games clone, but not as good and I think one EB Games is enough.


mike said...

so now cranbrook will have no more swearing in their music because it all comes from walmart.. thank heavens.

Keef said...

I didn't know there was swearing in country music.

mike said...

if you buy ganster rap at wallmart is it a blank CD?
I like how you were there for Samsteele days but didn't go into town, well played.

Mom and Dad having a grage sale and selling my GT, complete with flexstem and purple vetta cyclecomputer, hopefully someone buys it and they don't have to give it to the salvation army..

Keef said...

I hope they don't give it to the Salvation Army either, they should give it to the Hospital Auxiliary. But I will give you 25 cents for it.