Sunday, June 7, 2009

Should I?

Despite the fact that I flat out refuse sign up at Face Book, I'm considering signing up at Twitter. This is only because sometimes I want to blog something, but don't think it's worth my time to get on the computer to write a two sentence blog. Although I don't think anyone wants to read Tweets about how I'm gassy, watching Two and a Half Men, or going to buy groceries. It is lame. But then if you wanted the whole downlo on me you'd have to be reading both my blog and Twitter, and with my thrill-a-minute life that could get exhausting. Okay, you convinced me not to do it, thanks for the advice.

Last night I got the Akimbo Assassin achievement for finishing a campaign using only pistols on Left 4 Dead which turned out to be pretty easy. Of course I set the difficulty to "Easy" and had Cody and Dennis to watch my back. I also managed to take the least amount of damage of anyone on the team with only 200. That is a record for me because usually I'm running out front or off on my own blasting anything and everything in sight trying to rack up the kills. Tonight I played Death Toll on single player campaign (Easy of course!) and killed 1038 zombies. I've read online about guys saying they've killed over 1000 in 20-30 minutes. How is that possible? Maybe if you set the difficulty higher there are way more zombies?

Valve has announced Left 4 Dead 2 coming this November. But the first one just came out last November? Looks like it will be longer, have new weapons, new special infected, and be all around harder than the first. I like the idea of the new melee weapons like the baseball bat, axe, chainsaw and frying pan. I hope they have an achievement for getting 100 kills with a frying pan because I'm all over that one. It had just better make a cartoony "CLANG" noise when you whack them over the head. I've seen some of the videos online and I like that some of it is set during the daytime. The first Left 4 Dead was all at night, so this time around it'll be nice to see what you are shooting at. All this zombie slaughter is making me want to watch some zombie movies. I will be digging out Planet Terror, Wild Zero and my Zombie three pack sometime very soon.


Cam said...

Thanks for not Twittering it up, or whatever the cool kids call it. I want all my Keith-related updates in one place, and there's nothing wrong with a two-sentence entry on this page.

Keef said...

Tweeting it up? Yeah, if that tool Ashton Kutcher is doing it then that is reason enough not to do it.