Monday, March 1, 2010


Sorry, for no posts weeks, but I was caught up with the Olympic fever! Okay, that a lie, I know it and you know it. Last week I actually sat down a couple times to write stuff, but just wasn't feeling it. I was going to write about the flea market which only had one stall worth checking out, but he had tons of awesome stuff and he's a permanent vendor, so I can go back anytime. Then I was going to write about my Surprise Bag and it was no surprise that it was disappointing.

I also got a gas station two back of burgers. I was getting gas from Petro Canada and bought a pack of two double cheeseburgers. The package boasted the convenient "Heat 'N Eat" technology which means you can microwave them. Unfortunately, that package doesn't tell how to do it. How long do cook them for? Do you leave it in the package or take them out? I took them out and still managed to cook them. They are just the basics, buns, burgers and cheese. There are no condiments at all, but I "cooked" them at home so I just added my own ketchup. As far as they tasted, they weren't bad. Not great, but for a gas station microwave burger they were okay. Still I won't recommend them unless you are really hungry.

Cody went and downloaded Duke Nukem 3D and the original Doom from XBox Live Arcade. Doom you can play up to 4 players c0-op and online death matches. Duke Nukem can be played co-op over XBL or in death matches. Me and Cody played through Episode One of Doom and the whole time I kept trying to aim up and down and then remembered you can't do that! I went back and played Ep. One by myself on "Hurt Me Plenty" and even managed to remember a couple of secrets. I only died once and that on the last level when you fight the two bosses.

Believe it or not I have never played Duke Nukem 3D. Cam did you have this game? I sure if you had it that I would have at least tried it. I watched Cody play it and it looks pretty hilarious, but it also looks a bit hard and frustrating. Cody was stuck on level and ran around forever before he finally found a little crack in a rock wall to blast through. There is actually an achievement for giving the dancers money in the strip club. It just goes to show how games have changed since the old days. I think games in the old days were a lot more difficult than they are now. Even now we are seeing classic games coming back like Contra Rebirth and Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth on WiiWare and the comeback of the 8-bit Mega Man in Mega Man 9 and the recently released MM10. They still have the same difficulty as the originals.

I also got a cheque from Co-op, it's my annual patronage return or something. I got a whopping $28! I could've saved that much in a month by shopping at the Super Store, but I'll happily pay more just to stay away from that place. Don't worry I immediately spent that $28 by buying some CDs online.

I think that is pretty much it and you are all up to speed. I'll try not to wait as long until next post. But why hasn't anyone watched that Domo video?


mike said...

Cam and I ate those burgers when we worked at the stores.. they still don't look very good.

what's the cheque from? what co-op?

oh and iddqd, idkfa..

Keef said...

The cheque is from Co-op. That is what it is called, it is a grocery store. Google it.

Mike, I think your keyboard is broken or you have some SERIOUS spelling issues.

Cam said...

Don't forget idspispopd!

Also, I did have Duke 3D, but aside from the controversial strippers and seeing yourself in the bathroom mirrors on the first level, I didn't really love it.