Thursday, January 13, 2011

Deal of the Day

On Wednesday I left the house only to get some groceries because I was all out the staples like Simply Orange and chocolate pudding.  On the way Safeway I thought just the hell of it I'd stop by Blockbuster and see what's going on.  I'd glad I did!

They had a bunch of previously viewed TV sets that were on clearance.  I picked up Knight Rider seasons three and four for $7.99 each plus 25% off which came out to $12.58 plus tax for both of them.  Damn, that is cheap!  Don't worry I already have seasons one and two that I've already watched.  It will probably be a while before I get around to watching them though.  I still have to finish watching/start watching MacGyver season 5, the Incredible Hulk season 3, Wonder Woman season 3, Angel season 3, Airwolf season 2 and Inazuman.

After Blockbuster I did get to Safeway and get my Simply Orange and pudding.  Right now Safeway is running their Texas Hold 'Em contest and while I'm not 100% sure how it works I know it does have instant winners.  I totally hit the jackpot and won a free chocolate bar.

Other prizes are things like a trip to Las Vegas, watches, diamond bracelets, Eureka vacuums, and pot sets.  Who would want any of the stuff when you could have a Big Turk?

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