Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Weird Science

Usually when I see something around the house that needs to be cleaned or organized I'll say "I should do that!" and then never get around to doing it.  Downstairs on our washing machine is a pile of laundry detergent jugs because whenever they get empty or almost empty we just leave them and get a new jug.  I noticed we had like 8 jugs of laundry detergent of varying degrees of emptiness, so I said "I should do something about that!"  The big surprise is that I actually did something!

Two of the jugs were pretty full so I left them alone and then I just emptied any leftovers of the other jugs into a bottle of Era.  Yep, the Chuck Norris approved Era.  I wasn't sure if that was a good idea as it could possible go three ways.  The mixture could turn out to be the best laundry detergent ever or it could dissolve and ruin my clothes.  The worst possible outcome is that I could've accidentally made a chemical bomb.  Hey, I did mix it all with the Chuck Norris detergent.  When added to water in the washing machine it is a ticking time bomb until the machine switches to the wash cycle and the entire block goes up in a mushroom cloud.  I guess it's best to wait and let Cody try it first.

Those are the emptied and cleaned out detergent jugs, all five of them.  They will be going in the recycling bin when I make my weekly trip on Thursday.  Recycling is rad.

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