Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I forgot my pogo stick in Cranbrook! :-(


Cara said...

Whoa. That sucks. You mean in Cranbrook, right?

Keef said...

Cara, if you ever find yourself looking for work consider yourself hired as my official blog proof reader.

mike said...

Oh no! That's the most exciting thing to hit Cranbrook since forever. I bet Willie is hopping on it right now..

At least it's probably -20 and 20cm of snow in Calgary already, so your Pogo action would have to be inside.

I spells good right Cara? :)

Cara said...

Yes, Mike. Yew ar a gud speler!

Keef said...

Mike, just because it's freezing out and there is snow and ice on the ground doesn't mean you can't pogo. It just separates the hardcores from the poseurs. Pogoing on an ice rink could be the next big extreme sport.