Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas is coming

If you just quit your job and gave away all your material possessions in anticipation of the end of the world you're kinda screwed because it didn't happen.  Sucks for you because you've only got three days left to get all your Christmas shopping done.

As for my Christmas schedule it!  I have to work everyday even the 24th then drive back to Cranbrook after that.  I start work at 5am and work until 1:30pm, go home load up the car and start driving.  It's cold, it's supposed to snow, it's gonna suck, but I gotta do it.  Then on the 29th I'll have to drive back just in time to work for New Years.  I know Mike will be in Kamloops, but Cam and Cara will be back in Cranbrook.  I'm sure I'll see Cam and if I have to Cara too.  Cody is already back in Moyie and Willie will be around, so I'm sure we'll meet and tear sh*t up.  Or not, you can never tell what we'll do cuz that's how we roll.


Cam said...

If by 'tear sh*t up' you mean walk through Liquidation World and go to BK for lunch, then we can probably arrange that.

Keef said...

Hells ya bro! I wonder what kind of Boxing Day deals they will have at BK?