Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rulz to live by

When I was digging through my stuff last time in Cranbrook some McDonald's coupons and movie receipts weren't they only surprises I found in that pudding box.  I found a copy of "The Original Thrill Seeker Rules".  The Thrill Seeker Rules were sorta like the Ten Commandants, but with less God and more rad.  Steve, Kristian and I came up with these "back in the day" as to help guide us on our quest of becoming gnarly shred heads.  We typed it up at Steve's house because back then that's how you had to write stuff...on a typewriter!  I hold the last remaining copy in existence!

Looking at the "rules" now, yeah most of them are pretty lame, but some still hold true like #24.  Never ski with Scott.  The rest are questionable and embarassing like #1. Always show off for the BABES!

I even went on to break rule #8. Always have POM-POMs on your toque.  When we wrote the list I used to wear a toque with ear flaps and two pom-poms, but then moved onto a beanie style toque.  I realized that a pom-pom was just slowing me down with all kinds of crazy wind resistance, so I cut my pom-pom off to be more aerodynamic.  Since then all my toque's have been pom-pom free.

I'm too lazy to list the full set of thrill seeker rules, but I've included a large size picture, so you should be able to read them and have a laugh at our expense.  Remember, "Don't be square, bust an air."

Peace out!

1 comment:

Kristian said...

Number 24 is still true.