During my last whirlwind trip back to Cranbrook I made some time to go to Dollar Tree mostly because I wanted to pick up some Covered Bridge chips. Sadly, they didn't have any chips, but that doesn't mean I didn't buy anything.
When I unpacked my car from the trip I set the Dollar Tree bag down on the floor by the microwave cart. It's still there.
A super awesome and super scary zombie finger puppet! Don't worry, it's "soft & safe".
A ninja training bag to help me keep my ninja reflexes sharp as a katana.
Diet Shasta!
The convenient four pack for when six is just too many.
I've got plans for all three of these items, making them happen is where I run into trouble. The zombie finger puppet and the ninja bop bag will end up on the blog as either a photo series/story or possible even a (extremely) short video. The Shasta I will simply drink, against my better judgement. When you can buy a four pack of soda for $1.25 that seems a little sketchy. Which one of this things do you want to see first? Let me know and maybe it will motivate me to make is happen.
I too would like to see Ninja BOP..
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