Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Whip It!

A day off and I totally wasted it! I got up this morning and went to Safeway to buy some groceries just like I said I would. When I came home I found I had gotten some mail; Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie and my dental rebate cheque. Then we went out to good old Northland mall which gets no respect because I guess it's not hip enough. It does have Best Buy, Future Shop and Wal-Mart. At Best Buy I bought Vexille on DVD which is a Japanese CGI movie. It doesn't look as good as Applessed Ex Machina, but it has more action and it's still pretty good. Like rent it or something. Then we went to Wal-Mart and I got some garbage bags, deodorant and CSI: NY season one. CSI: NY was only $15 for season one, so that wasn't a bad deal.

When that was all done we went up to Crowfoot to eat at Burger King in hopes of getting some of the good Indiana Jones toys. Luckily, I did get the whip toy.

It's not just for show, it also actually whips, but they got it all backwards. The handle is the part that does the whipping. That's wrong isn't it? Remember that crappy cheap toy we all had once when we were kids that was just rolled up paper on a stick that you could flick in and out, well that's what this is. The handle is the rolled up paper that you can "whip" a ant and snake targets that come with the whip. I can see a snake target, but an ant target. Yes, ants suck, but they're a little small to be using a bull whip on.

Here is one picture you can all have a good laugh at.

I got that weird/stupid/funny/ghey look on my face because I was talking when Cody took the picture. He didn't even give me any warning or anything.

After all that I watched Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie and it was kinda good. Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie was total crap because they strayed from the Power Rangers formula, but the Morphin' movie has more fighting and more adventure. The big disappointment was the end fight with the Zords which were all CGI. The movie was from 1995 and the CGI looks pretty awful, the guys in suits would've looked way better. Still it what is to be expected from a Power Rangers movie, kiddies love it.

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