Saturday, February 28, 2015


I was 7-11 the other day and since they frown upon loitering I had to buy something so I wouldn't get kicked out.   I bought these.

Chocolate covered potato chips?  Yes, please!

There are just the regular rippled chips dipped in chocolate.  They're packed full of calories and high in fat, but damn if they don't taste AWESOME.  They're limited edition, so they could run out at any time.

I've seen them at work and Co-op, so they're out there.  I recommend giving them a try.  If you don't like them then send me the rest of the bag.  Thank you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I went to the thrift store today and bought this awesome VHS!  It was only 25 cents.  It even has special features on it like a behind the scenes feature!   I can't wait to watch it!

Okay, you got me, I'm not going to watch it.  In fact I threw in the trash as soon as I got home.  I just wanted the hard VHS case, the rest was useless to me.  I wanted a good VHS case, so I have something to put my Reefer Madness 2 master copy in and keep safe.  Because it would be a real tragedy if anything happened to it.

I even made a custom cover for it.  It's one of those "less is more" type designs.

I was kind of bummed because there was a Veggies Tales tape that had the same style case, but it was green.  A green case for "reefers"...get it?  It was a bit broken and dirty, so I passed on it.   I also didn't get the purple Barney case.  If I ever come across a green one in better condition I'm totally getting it.

I also got myself this Simpsons Season 14 Blu-ray set even though I already own it on DVD.  Why did I buy it on Blu-ray when I already have it on DVD you ask?  Because it was only three dollars!!  The thrift store can be cool sometimes.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Guns out

Okay, I quickly slapped together a video of some BF4 shenanigans this afternoon.  I just used clips the XBox automatically recorded.  I should try to DVR some better stuff, but we'll see what happens.  I tried to do it just now and then I was playing terrible.  I was going to record some this morning, but I didn't and then I played good.  Damn.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Here are a bunch of ramblings about my XBox One I got for Christmas.  It's a lot of words and I didn't proof read it, so prepare for many spelling, grammatical errors and nonsense in general.

My console was the Sunset Overdrive bundle and I've hardly even played the game.  I like the idea, the graphics, the "flava" of the game, I just don't like the gameplay.   You need to run around and fight baddies while grinding, sliding, jumping, etc stringing together combos and stuff and I just can't do it.  I suck at video games, but style is guns blazing and button mashing which brings me to my other game I got Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor which has combat sort of like the Batman games.  Lots of timing your attacks and countering incoming attacks all of which I suck at.  I was dying a lot a first, but I'm getting slightly better because when I get in a situation I can't handle I run like hell.

Today at work I used my employee discount and some superbucks that might have been expired to buy a 12 months of XBox Live Gold card.  When I got my XBox One I wasn't even sure if I was going to get live because I'm a loser with no friends, so I have no one to play online with.  Cody has a PS4 and Logan got a PS4 for Christmas, but that doesn't help me any.  I ended up getting a digital copy Battefield 4 when it was on sale and used my 14 days of Gold that came with my console.  I went online to see what the big deal about 64 player conquest matches was and I can tell you it's just more guys to kill you.  Overall, it's still fun even though I'm pretty terrible and still die a lot, so I decided to get the whole year.  Getting Gold also allows you two free games a month if you want them.  I'm going to pass on this month's games.

The XBone has apps for it, but none of them I actually use much or at all.  It has a built in DVR, so you can record up to 30 minutes of game play, but the video quality is very lacking.  They just updated the app, so editing is easier and you can add text, transitions and even use green screen if you have a Kinect.  I could make a compilation of my rad kills, I mean deaths, in BF4, but I can't figure out to export clips outside of the app.  You can share it on the app or to someone else who has a Xbox, but that's it.  It would nice if you could share to YouTube.

My console was the Sunset Overdrive bundle and I've hardly even played the game.  I like the idea, the graphics, the "flava" of the game,  but I just don't like the game play.   You need to run around and fight baddies while grinding, sliding, jumping, etc stringing together combos and stuff and I just can't do it.  I suck at video games, my play style is guns blazing and button mashing which brings me to my other game I got Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor which has combat sort of like the Batman games.  Lots of timing your attacks and countering incoming attacks all of which I suck at.  I was dying a lot a first, but I'm getting slightly better because when I get in a situation I can't handle I run like hell.

I'm also using my XBox One as my primary Blu-ray/DVD player and honestly, it kind of sucks.  I've watched a few discs on it now that freeze and heavily artifact.   I hooked my old Sony player back up to just to check one of the discs that was freezing in the XBox and it played fine in the Sony.   So it's the not the discs, it's the XBox.  I also got a media remote so it's easier to navigate disc menus than having to use the controller.  The remote is real small and lights up nicely, but it's short on buttons.  I wish it had specific buttons for audio and subtitles on it.

The user interface and layout of the main menus is pretty lacking, but my biggest complaint is the hard drive.  They advertise it as a 500 GB unit, but technically as soon as I turned it on I only had 380 GB  or something like that because 120 GB for the software and stuff.  If it says 500 GB, then I want 500 GB of free space for games.   Also, the console comes with just a regular controller that need batteries.  If you are paying over $400 for the unit why can't they put a rechargeable controller in there?  I went and a bought a rechargeable one for $70, so at least if I ever make a friend to can play some split screen.  I'll just need to make sure that friend has Halo.

Also this:


Monday, February 16, 2015


Cody has just put up the latest Crapola video, so check it out if you dare!

Now that this one is done that officially only leaves one movie left to be "remastered" and that is Son of a Gun.  I'm bugging Cddy to slap together two addition videos with all the extra footage we have, but we'll see what happens.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

I heard it's Valentine's Day today, not that it matter much to losers like me.  February 15th is more my kind of holiday, half price chocolate.

Since yesterday was Friday the 13th I was thinking about doing a Jason/Valentine's photo shoot, but then I realized that would take work.  Instead I just planned on watching a Friday the 13th movie, but that never happened either.  Then I almost watched the reboot of Nightmare on Elm Street, but in the end we ended up watching Red Dawn.

This morning I played some Battlefield 4 online and got repeatedly killed.  Which leads to this.

Normally I dont't play the recon class, but this morning I did on Operation Meatgrinder, but I was running with a carbine not a sniper rifle.  I cants snipz.  I killed some dudes!

Thursday, February 12, 2015


I went to the dentist the other day and got an awesome goody bag filled with free swag!

Normally, in the past I've only gotten one toothbrush, one sample toothpaste and one box of floss, but this time I got a ton of bonus stuff.  I wonder if they're trying to tell me something?  When the hygienist asked what kind of toothbrush I used, I just replied whatever the ones are that you give me, so maybe that's why I got second one.  She even threw in some Polident!  Now my dentures will be sparkling!

I can't promise a more interesting post tomorrow night because I'll probably be watching Friday the 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015



What do you guys think?  It doesn't really matter because I bought it at Target and all sales are final, so I can't return it.  The new bath mat is a little smaller than the old one, but it feels nice and the colour really pops.  It will wake you up in the morning!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pee Pea

I've been pretty lazy the last week and having been either watching a movie or playing video games at night, so I haven't had time to write anything.  I think I have stuff to write about, but nothing really exciting, so I keep putting it off.  In the meantime, this is one of those quick filler posts until something better comes along...if at all.

An omelette sandwich!  I told you I didn't have much to write about it.  Mike already saw a picture of a breakfast burrito this week, a relative of the omelette sandwich.

I saw this in the back hallway at work and thought, "Somebody pea'd on the floor!!"  Haha, get it?!  Damn, I'm funny, but seriously would you spell it "pea'd" or "pead" if you wanted to mash up the words "pea" and "peed"?  I bet Cara knows, I heard she's a teacher, she probably knows some English or whatever.  Thx.

Now that all that crap is out of the way, there is chance maybe or maybe not, but probably Cody is almost done working a new video.  I heard he totally half assed the end of it because he got lazy, but it was pretty terrible to begin with so no biggie.  

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Aye! Aye!

Cam mentioned in an e-mail he sent me last week if I had tried any of the cereals that Cody brought back from the States, and at the time I hadn't.  I didn't want to disappoint poor ol' Cam, so I buckled down and tried the Cap'n Crunch branded cereals.

The boxes got Cap'n Crunch's name and picture on the them, but they really got nothing to do with Cap'n Crunch.  Quaker Oats is just using the Cap'n's good name to sell some lame cereal.  At first I wasn't that interested in them, but then I saw that both cereals were made with "sweetened corn & oat cereal" just like the original Cap'n Crunch, so I figured I'd give them a shot.

The Sprinkled Donut Crunch looks like it might taste like the original Cap'n Crunch just in a circular form.   The donut sprinkles don't taste that great, so overall, meh.  I had higher hopes for Oops! All Berries which I don't even know why Crunch's name is on the box, it's the exact opposite of Cap'n Crunch cereal.  I'm always up some something berry/fruity flavoured, so I hoped this would be good, but it wasn't.  The cereal tasted vaguely fruity, maybe it if had a stronger "fruit" taste I would've liked it.  I don't think I'll be having seconds of either of these cereals.

Don't worry, there are lots more crazy Cap'n Crunch flavours like Crunch Berries, Peanut Butter Crunch and Chocolately Crunch.  I've seen the commercials for Crunch Berries which is Cap'n Crunch with the berries added which spun off Oops! All Berries.  Peanut Butter Crunch doesn't look good at all.  While I like chocolate, even Chocolately Crunch doesn't sound that good.  I'll just eat some Crave instead, that stuff rocks.  I like original Cap'n Crunch and I'll stick to it any day over these gimmicky cereals.  Unless they make a strawberry flavoured Crunch, then I'm all over that.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Mucho Nachos

I meant to do this after I got back from Cranbrook, but here is a quick post about the newest dollar store to hit the East Kootenays, Dollar Tree.

In my messed up head I had Dollar Tree all confused with Dollar General.  I was all pumped to go check out Dollar General and was a little disappointed when I saw it was Dollar Tree.

Dollar Tree gets some points for having everything priced at $1.25.  It's not one of those dollar stores where you walk in and stuff is like $5 and $10.  If the pricing of $1.25 seems familiar it's because it's basically Dollar Giant.  Dollar Tree is an American dollar store chain that opened Dollar Giants here in Canada and are now opening stores under their own name.  I remember back in the good old days before the last recession when everything at Dollar Giant was $1, then they changed to $1.25 when the economy went in the crapper.  When the dollar got better, they just never bothered to change back.

Anyway, the inside of Cranbrook's Dollar Tree is pretty big and was pretty quiet.  I guess Tuesdays aren't a big shopping day, but I bet they get slammed in the weekends.  The best thing about dollar stores are the food and candy isles because they always have weird stuff you want to try and you probably do because it's so cheap.

I bought these two bags of nachos because well...nachos.   They didn't taste very good.  There is a reason they're $1.25 a bag.

Dollar Tree also had Covered Bridge chips!  The bags were smaller than a regular sized bag, but the price makes up for it.  Willie had tried Covered Bridge chips before, but not the regular flavour which is the best.  He opened up his bag in the car later and was eating them as I was driving around.  Then my car smelled like Covered Bridge chips and made me hungry.  Luckily I had bought two bags for myself and took one bag to my sister's and gave some to Avery to try.  He said they were good and ate almost the whole bag right before dinner and then got in trouble.  It's not like he ever eats his entire supper anyway.

Cody, Willie and I all walked out with a bag (or bags in my case) of dollar store crap, mostly snack food.  Dollarama is still the king of dollar stores, but Dollar Tree isn't bad.  Some of the stuff they had was good and some of it was kind of crap, like not even worth the $1.25.  The toy section was particularly disappointing.  I would go back just for the Covered Bridge chips.   And maybe the Billy Bob's Hot Sauce.