Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Oh hey, how's it going?  There is nothing at all happening with me and I mean absolutely nothing at all, hence the lack of posts lately.  But that is all about to change!  Well maybe...

On Thursday I'm heading back to Cranbrook for the weekend.  It's a short trip, I'll be coming back to Calgary on Monday.  I haven't actually been back to Cranbrook since Christmas, so it's about time.  I'll check out the thrift stores, get the oil and tires changed on my car and it's Avery's birthday as well.  Looks the price of gas just went up here too, it always seems to happen right before I need to fill up before a trip back to BC, never fails.  Anyway, if there is anything you want to see a picture of or want me to do when I'm back in Cranbrook let me know.

And here is something completely random....

I bought this Chia Zombie hand at London Drugs a few month ago for $10.  It seemed cool at the time, but then I was all like, "It's too much of a hassle to grow".  I don't really have anywhere to put it and I don't want to open the blinds to let any sunlight in so it can grow.

Looks like Cody has got a Chia Pet of his own going on with these strawberries, they've been in the fridge for like a month.  I'm not sure what he's planning on doing with them, but I'm interested to find out.

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