Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Star Bars

I posted a picture of some snacks goods on Instagram a while ago and I'm getting around to writing about on here.  I'm sure you've seen them at the grocery as they've been out for a while now.  I first saw them when I was back in Cranbrook in January when Willie and I saw them at Wal-Mart.  

I got them when I got back to Calgary and had to get both flavours.

There is the Kids Edition Vanilla Cake Flavour with Chewie on the box and the Special Edition Chocolate Cake Flavour with Darth Vader.  So the Chewie box is for kids and the Vader box is for adults??  Luckily I got away buying the Chewie vanilla bar despite having no kids and when the cashier asked if I did, I just lied and said yes.

I hate to disappoint everyone out there, but these granola bars do not like vanilla cake or chocolate cake.  If you take a bite you are going to say "Oh, this tastes like it might be vanilla." or "This tastes chocolate-like".  Once my granola bars are done I won't be in hurry to get some more.

So they don't taste that great and the art on the box is the same picture of Chewie from Cinnamon Toast Crunch box and the picture of Vader is the same picture used on the Campbell's chicken soup can and the box of Cheerios.  With vast library of Star Wars images in the Lucasfilm archives, they only gave out one single picture of each of these characters to licensees?

Even though the granola bars weren't that great and I won't be buying more I'll still buy whatever cookie, cereal or drink they slap a Star Wars character on the front of next.

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