Sunday, April 17, 2016


Been putting off writing a post, not because I've been busy, but because I was hoping something cool would happen so I could write about it.  Since it's Cranbrook, it is going to be a looooong wait.  I guess I have no choice but to tell you the boring stuff.

On Friday I met my mom for lunch and we ate at Cancun, the Mexican restaurant even though the people who own it are from El Salvador.  It's pretty authentic, maybe too authentic for Cranbrook, it was pretty quiet at first for a lunch time but a few more people trickled in.  The free hand made nachos are awesome!

After lunch I met Willie and we went to check out the thrift in and out of town.  Willie bought a lot of crap including this cool Jaws game we got in a vintage place in Kimberley.  We only found it because it is right across the street from the thrift store.  Turns out it was was better than the thrift store.   Now if only it had thrift store prices.

For the day I didn't get too much, a t-shirt that later turned out not to fit me, a couple 7" records and a totally awesome skateboard VHS.

The video isn't even from a skate company, but by Kids Klassics, the children's branch of video distributor Good Times.  The video runs a whopping 26 minutes, so on the plus side you don't have to invest much time into watching it.  I'm considering transferring this one over to DVD.  Why?  Because according to the back of the box, "They're wild, they're weird, they're wonderful. They're real rad, dude."

Speaking of transferring VHS to DVD I almost bought another DVD recorder at the Salvation Army.  They had a Magnavox one for $8.00 which is good, but better because it also had a hard drive on it, so you would save TV shows or VHS stuff onto the hard drive before burning it to DVD.  Unfortunately it didn't have the remote which is kind of a deal breaker, you pretty much need it especially if I was going to get exclusively for recording VHS to DVD.

On Saturday not much happened.  I went mini golfing with my mom, Avery and Avery's friend Lewis.  After that we went to McDonald's for lunch where a couple guys got arrested right out in front providing some entertainment for the dining patrons.  All the young hoods hang at McDees, but these guys went pretty quietly.  It was only one cop doing the arresting in an unmarked SUV while eventually a truck with two more cops showed up.  We left about the same time as the RCMP truck that had the two thugs in the back and instead of going back to the police station pulled into the back parking lot of East Side Marios where they probably beat the suspects and/or cut them loose.  Or maybe they just went for lunch and didn't want to have to eat McDonald's.
On Sunday even less happened.  We went to the dump.  Also there is a sweet ride for sale on the side of the road going up 38th Ave just past 45th Street.

I like how they have the windows taped off with plastic sheeting, but then for some reason keep driver's door wide open.  I'm pretty sure it's still going to get wet.  I have a feeling next time I come home this car will still be there and they'll be another one parked right beside it.

I've also posted some (mostly cat) pictures on my Instagram.  


mike said...

Nice SLK class.. Unfortunately for them most discerning Mercedes owners don't buy off the front pasture.

Keef said...

Well, drivers who live in a trailer aren't that picky.