Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What day is it??

On Sunday I called my dad to wish him a happy Father's Day. He said "Thanks, but it's next week!" Say what?! So what if I was early, at least I didn't forget. I'm actually planning on going back to Cranbrook this coming Saturday which means I'll be there for Father's Day. Being in Calgary for holidays is nice because I can can just call and wish them a nice birthday, Mother's Day, etc but since I'm actually going to be there then I should get a gift except I have no idea what to get my dad.

I'm planning on going to Cranbrook on Saturday and then coming back to Calgary on Thursday. I'm not sure what I'll do other than go to the Hospital Auxiliary in search of more postcards. I'm planning on attempting to organize my comic books still in Cranbrook if that is at all possbile. I've tried before, but got overwhelmed and gave up. I've got Spider-Man books in like every box I have, so maybe if I can at least put them all in one box that is a start.

Back at Christmas I gave my Mom and iPod shuffle loaded with music. I figured she could hook it up to her computer and just transfer over the music. Turns out Apple are bunch of big jerks and if she syncs the iPod to her computer it will just erase all the music on there. So I have to burn all the stuff I put on there to DVD and then copy that to her computer and iTunes. But I don't remember what I put on there and I think I deleted most of the stuff off my computer. I have to go through all my CDs again, some of which are boxed up to get all the music I maybe or maybe have not put on her Shuffle. I have to do this before I go back. What a pain! Die Apple! AAAHHHH!!

Despite being told to "lay off video games" me and Cody played some Halo 3 last night. Then I played some LEGO Star Wars and finished off the game today. I finished all the story, but that still leaves at only 44% of the game completed. I have to go back and collect all the studs and mini kits as well as buy all the characters. You can get an achievement for "killing" Jar Jar 20 times. That was one of the first achievements I got in the game.

And speaking of achievements...

Seems just like yesterday I was at 100 posts, I'm like prolific or something. Too bad that out of that 200 maybe only 10 are actually interesting. I was reading my old MySpace blog and it was hilarious, but not in a good way. Some posts were cool, but others were just me talking about what crap I bought online and what crappy music I was listening to. Which is pretty much what this blog is about except for more video game content and pictures of me doing in funny t-shirts. If you don't have anything to do you can take a trip throught memory lane and look at all my past posts. At MySpace I laughed at the jar of moldy Cheez Whiz and Mike's picture of Bumblebee blowing stuff up. The picture is probably going to be better than both the Transformers movies combined! Go Mike!

While looking for an achievement generator I found two sites, 1 and 2, so I'll leave you with two achievements. The second one belongs on a t-shirt and I'd wear it everywhere. Post your own achievements in the comments section. I think you can do it.


Cam said...

Congratz on the big 2-0-0. Pretty sure I've read every one...

Keef said...

Just in case you didn't you better go back and read them ALL from the first post. You'd hate to be missing out on anything.