Sunday, May 13, 2012

Better than nothing?

It's been pretty quiet lately, even quieter than usual.  Seems like I haven't written anything for a while now, so I feel obligated to write something.  Unfortunately, this is all I got...

I worked this weekend and since weekends are always busy that's when we have people in the store doing promos of products and stuff.  This weekend some people pimping those new Magnum ice cream bars.  In the ice cream aisle there was a girl giving out free samples of the mini bars.  They also had this guy dressed in a tuxedo/butler's uniform with silver platter at the store entrance handing out coupons.  The guy dressed up looked totally hilarious.  It was some twenty year old kid who was like 5'2" and he looked like he was playing dress up.  The funniest part was despite the fact he was in tuxedo and jacket even had tails he still looked like a total slob.  I didn't it was possible to look like such a skid in a tux, but he totally pulled it off.

When I got home later I was in the kitchen eating my dinner and the ice cream truck drives down the road and pulls into our parking lot and starts slowly driving around.  He's got the music blaring to lure out any kids and their poor parents.   It's annoying because I'm trying to eat my dinner and I don't want to hear that crap, but also because he's playing Christmas music.  Why does an ice cream truck even have Christmas music?  I sure don't remember him driving around in December selling ice cream and playing that music.

The end.

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